How To Play Guitar Fast Using Easy Licks That Sound Awesome To Anyone

Fact: It’s not too hard to play fast guitar licks that impress others without being a 20-year veteran of the instrument.


By using cool techniques that are fun, technical and awesome but are much easier to play than they sound.

These make for cool ideas to add into your guitar solos at any point when you want to add some flair to your playing.

Sound good?

Thought so!

Use these cool guitar licks to both play awesome sounding ideas and improve your guitar technique at the same time:


Play Killer Fast Blues Guitar Licks Using Just 2 Strings

It doesn’t take huge scale patterns that span across the fretboard to play cool-sounding and fast blues guitar licks.

All you need are two strings and rolling technique.

What is rolling technique?

Watch this video to see what it is and how to perform it:

Now you understand how to use rolling technique, so let’s apply it to a blues guitar lick.

Here is a cool idea to begin with:

Roll the notes on adjacent strings as you saw in the video.

Make this easier if you are having a difficult time by breaking down the lick into groups of 2-4 notes at a time. Then add one note at a time until you’ve mastered the whole thing.

Then, make this guitar lick your own by using only the notes in the tab while trying to improvise as rhythmic variations of the lick as possible.

Bonus: Playing the notes you rolled together as double stops sounds really cool too! Experiment with this in addition to using perfect rolling technique like shown in the video.


Use Arpeggios In Close Fretboard Positions

Using short, but sweet guitar arpeggios in close fretboard positions helps you get started sweeping and adds some shred to anything you play.

This sounds really cool!

All you need are a few 2 string arpeggio patterns.

Like these ones:

This tab shows three arpeggios that are close in proximity.

This makes it easy to smoothly combine them together. Part of this is how close they are in position and part of it is that each arpeggio shares a note in common with the previous one.

Apply this concept of “shared notes” while playing arpeggios or chords to make your riffs, licks and solos flow together more smoothly.


Play Pedal Points Licks Using Arpeggiated Chord Progressions

Repeatedly returning to the same note gives you the effect of playing a “pedal”.

This sounds cool and is easy to perform fast.

It also gives you a very neo-classical kind of sound, which is a staple for many shred guitarists.

Give it a shot now by playing the tab below:

Use the fingerings as indicated.

Apply this into your guitar playing to give yourself the ability to play fast guitar licks that have a really cool, unique sound.

Using just the three ideas in this article gives you the power to create tons of awesome and fast guitar licks that aren’t super-difficult to play.

The next step is learning how to take these cool licks and make them sound emotionally expressive.

This takes your lead guitar licks to the next level!

Learn how to do it for by checking out this guitar soloing resource.