The 3 To Do When You Struggle To Play Guitar Faster To Get Back On Track

Having a hard time seeing progress when it comes to playing guitar faster?


Everyone goes through the same struggle of reaching a plateau in guitar speed then struggling to play faster.

Unlike them, you are about to learn three powerful tips that help you play guitar faster and get your playing back on track.

Sound good?


Let’s get started:


Identify Your Mistakes & Isolate Them To Fix Them Fast

Part of not making progress is not learning from your mistakes… and it’s easy to overlook the mistakes holding you back when you aren’t looking for them.

Make your practice all about identifying and correcting your mistakes to give yourself a massive boost in progress with your speed.


Don’t do this by playing super-slow.


You need to see the mistakes that occur while playing at fast speeds so you know how to correct them at those speeds.

One way to do this is to play a small handful of notes at very fast speeds while inserting silence in between each repetition of these notes.

As you repeat them, use the moment of rest to identify the mistakes you are making and reset to try to correct them on the next repetition.

Take these two actions right now:

1. Check out this article to learn how to fix guitar speed mistakes.

2. Watch this video to see a demonstration of a killer practice approach that helps you practice at fast speeds and correct mistakes that only occur at those speeds:

Fix Things In Smaller Chunks To Make Them Easier

Becoming overwhelmed is what causes us to lose motivation to keep practicing guitar. Why not make things much easier for yourself?

Break down any guitar licks or exercises you want to master into small segments of a few notes each.

As mentioned in the previous point, these sections can be practiced in short bursts to make it easier to find and correct any of your mistakes.

Make this approach even more powerful by narrowing your focus to just ONE note at a time as you play these small grouping of notes, as seen in this video:

Correcting your mistakes, getting better and getting faster on guitar feels so much easier when you start using this method to break things down into smaller chunks and practice them.

Find a teacher to help you put together a practice schedule to determine which practice items you should spend the most time on. Combining this with the approach of breaking things down is a powerful one-two combination!


Find What Boosts Your Motivation & Do It Consistently

Improving your technique from a physical standpoint is really only half the battle.

Developing burning hot motivation to get better is what gets you to actually sit down and put your fingers on the fretboard.

When you become incredibly motivated, you not only become more likely to practice guitar and get faster, but get better results from your practice too!


Because you focus much more closely and become distracted less easily.

This makes it very easy to learn and correct your mistakes quickly.

What are some great music-related ways to boost your motivation?

This varies from person to person, but here is a short list of ideas to start with:

·         Watching live shows of your favorite bands just before you practice

·         Go to live concerts in your town

·         Jam with friends

·         Perform for friends or family

·         Work together with a guitar teacher who is excellent at coaching students and motivating them to get results

Now you know some great ways to start playing guitar faster, cleaner and better than ever. Begin improving by taking action right now to apply what you’ve learned into your playing and mental approach.