How To Play Fast Guitar Licks That Turn Heads Using A Practice Method That Gets Results In Less Than 30 Minutes

Awesome news: playing fast guitar licks at speeds you never thought possible is much easier than you think. Practicing more efficiently helps you achieve fast speeds without spending 5 hours a day working on boring exercises.



You play any fast guitar lick with speed and accuracy with less than 30 minutes of practice per day when you apply this concepts into your playing right away:



Make Massive Progress To Become A Fast And Clean Guitarist By Practicing Guitar Licks That Develop Multiple Skills At Once


It’s easy to play fast guitar licks in no time when you stop practicing with inefficient conventional practice methods. Focusing on high-quality guitar practice beats practicing mindlessly for many hours every time. A great way to massively improve your practice efficiency is working on transferable skills.


This video explains how practicing certain guitar skills gets you better overall results in less time:









Practice Approach #1 For Playing Fast Guitar Licks – Develop Rock-Solid Picking Technique With An Efficient Pick Attack


Playing guitar fast feels like a struggle when you use inefficient picking technique. In most cases, this means you are only using alternate picking to play everything. Practicing scales with efficient picking technique improves your ability to play fast guitar licks more consistently without it feeling like a struggle. It also improves your ability to articulate notes clearly and work on fretboard visualization.


Slowly practice the short scale run below using the exact picking approach indicated at the bottom of the tab. On notes where you transfer strings, use a sweep picking motion to continue the motion of the pick.


Maintaining a smooth picking motion while transferring strings eliminates inefficiency in your picking attack. This makes playing fast guitar licks that switch strings feel effortless and easy. Practice the first four notes of the lick slowly until you are able to identify how it feels when you play the notes perfectly.


Memorizing this feeling helps you understand when you are making mistakes at faster speeds.


Alternate between practice the above tab and this guitar lick for 5 minutes:


This approach helps you quickly become accustomed to picking more efficiently so you are able to apply this approach into your everyday playing.

Note: This free guitar playing guide is a great resource for learning how to play fast without making frustrating mistakes.


Practice Approach #2 For Playing Fast Guitar Licks – Make Speedy Guitar Licks Easier By Locking Your Hands Together In Perfect Synchronization


Having your hands out of sync with each other is one of the biggest causes of mistakes while playing fast guitar licks. To play fast guitar licks perfectly, you need to fret a note at the exact moment you pick it.


An excellent way to train yourself to do this is to practice string skipping. String skipping forces you to keep both hands in perfect sync, while also training you to use good muting technique.


The following string skipping lick has been broken up into smaller parts:


Practice the first four notes of the lick at a speed that is fast enough to be challenging, but not so fast that your playing is out of control. Repeat the four notes continuously for 2 minutes while inserting a short rest at the end of each repetition.


Using this practice approach trains you to focus closely on what your hands are doing and to identify/fix mistakes in the moment.


When you feel comfortable, move onto the next 5-note section of the lick and use the same practice approach. Then move onto the last 6-note section.


Practice Approach #3 For Playing Fast Guitar Licks – Become A Badass Guitar Player Much Faster By Combining Different Techniques Together


It is a mistake to only practice guitar skills in isolation from other aspects of your playing. Learning to combine different skills together turns you into a better guitarist and makes it much easier to use these skills while soloing or improvising. Combining different skills together is an extremely effective way to make fast progress in your playing in just a few sessions.


For example, combine the string skipping lick above together with a scale run that begins on the last note of the lick:


Practicing this gives you the benefits of both string skipping and efficient picking combined, making the exercise very powerful! Practice each lick separately using approach #2 above, then combine them together.


Here is another fast guitar lick exercise that massively improves your playing:


Use sweep picking to play the first three notes, then efficient picking technique to complete the scale. The better you get at integrating your skills together like this, the more fluid your overall technique becomes. This makes playing guitar fast and creatively feel effortless!


Want to learn more ways to improve your guitar playing faster than ever before? Check out these guitar videos to quickly become a fast guitarist, play with clean technique and improve your overall musicianship.